How To Paint Kitchen Cabinets - To Recreate a Factory Finish

KoolCreations Team • April 10, 2022

How To Spray Paint Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen respraying is the perfect alternative if a new kitchen is out of reach. It is quicker, simpler, far

more cost-effective, without an invasive renovation. Kitchen respraying also has the potential to add value to your property, producing stunning results if done correctly. Plus painting kitchen cabinets is far more environmentally friendly.

“Price for performance nothing beats spray painting kitchen cabinets”.

Kitchen Respraying Index:

  •  The Professional Painting Process
  •  Painting Kitchen Cabinets Guide
  • Spraying vs Brushing Pros & Cons
  • Hiring a Professional

Before you start painting your kitchen cabinets it pays to prepare for the job.
It’s always a good idea to take your time and do some research. Whether that will be looking at Home

magazine, surfing google, or Pinterest, there are so many platforms. Houzz and Pinterest are favourites

of ours, with inspiring designs and creative ideas you wont be short of inspiration.

The first thing you want to make sure of is that you are 100% happy and satisfied you’ve chosen the

right colour to transform your kitchen. It’s always advised to sample 3-4 colours. Try to consider how the space, orientation and light in the room will affect the colour and what sort of style you are looking to achieve and take into consideration colours that already exist within the space.

Both Farrow & Ball and Little Green Co offer a vast range of fabulous colour choices. Here are the four colours most used in 2021/2022, to complete KoolCreations bespoke kitchen resprays.

Best Primer For Kitchen Cabinets

Once you have chosen your colour, you will need a specialised primer to not only bring your project to life, but to also provide durable long lasting results. It’s critical when painting kitchen cabinets, the correct primer for the surface in question is applied. 

Think of it like building a house, if the foundation is not correct for the ground you are building on, everything else built on top will be weak and eventually fail.

Make sure to take the time to understand the primer.

  • Is it solvent or water based? (the top coat will need to be the same)
  • Is it designed for the surface you will be painting? (if not it's highly likely to react and fail to adhere)
  • Is it compatible with the top coat? (most professional paint systems provide their own primers and top coats)

The key benefit of a primer is to even out the porosity of the surface and ensure optimum adhesion so that you get the long lasting results from your paint application, but other features might include stabilising a powdery

surface or helping to prevent stains bleeding through.

Pro tip: Add 5% of your desired colour to your primer. This will tint primer to match your chosen colour. You save a lot of time and require fewer top coats if saving money is a factor. (only if the paint and primer are both compatible)

Best Paint For Kitchen Cabinets

When choosing a paint supplier for painting kitchen cabinets, it’s best to choose a paint specifically designed to do so. You could spend hours doing research, but we will save you some time. The standout performer, which specializes in kitchen coatings is the Renner paint system.

Renner Italia produces the most trustful, modern and innovative surface coatings. Above all, their coatings are formulated according to ethical principles. They are the experts in Water-based, Polyurethane and Polyester Technology if you're looking for high-end wood coatings.

Check List for Painting Kitchen Cabinets

PPE for Spray Painting:




  • Primer - (use specific primer depending on the surface)
  • Top coat - (Colour coat)
  • Clear coat - (Needed if a wet look finish is desired)
  • Cross Linker - (Optional)

Best Spray Gun for Painting Kitchen Cabinets

The biggest expense would be a HVLP spray gun. A better option, if it was for a one-off use, would be to

rent one if possible.

KoolCreations spray gun of choice and perfectly suited for this work is a DeVilbiss GTi Pro Lite Spray Gun,

Gravity Feed. If you were looking for a cheaper gun but still as effective, We recommend the A.N.I. F160 PLUS-S HPS Gravity spray gun.

How to set up a HVLP spray gun

How to set up a HVLP spray gun for spraying kitchens.

Setting up your HVLP spray gun for the first time may seem daunting, it will involve some trial and error.

Everyone will have a unique setup tailored to their spraying style. Listed below is advice and tips on how to best set up your HVLP spray gun.

  • Firstly find a space you are able to safely spray within, using the brown paper, roll out 4-5 lines (2-3 square meters across) and tape to a wall that has been made safe to spray on.
  • Secondly add either primer or topcoat (which either is cheaper) and fill the pot halfway.

  • Now you will need to adjust the gun settings. Here is a good starting point. Firstly wind out all the tips.
  • Air pressure - Wind in 4 full turns.
  • Trigger adjustment - Wind in 5 full turns.
  • Fan adjustment - Do not adjust at first.

  • Now pull the trigger half way, the gun will only be spraying air at this point. Aim the gun straight at the brown paper and slowly move left to right in a robotic fashion whilst fully pulling the trigger. This will allow the gun to release the product within the pot.
  • The gun fan should be even top to bottom, when spraying overlap the laid product at a 50/50 ratio. (If there are any breaks within the fan. The gun cap/nozzle will most likely need cleaning).
  • Keep making adjustments until you find settings that suit your spraying style.
  • Depending on the compressor size, you may need to adjust the air pressure during spraying. As air is spent during spraying, the pressure will drop. This will then effect the fan and how the product lays upon the panel in question. When this happens you will need to turn the air tip out!

How to Prepare Kitchen Cabinets for Painting


Step 1

Remove all doors and draws, make sure you are methodical in this approach. You will want to label

each door and draw that you remove. The best way is once you’ve removed the doors/drawers, remove

all the fittings, door hinges and kitchen hardware. Once completed label with a sharpie and masking

tape inside the carcass you removed the door from, placing all the fittings, and on the door mark the

same number in the hinge hole and cover with masking tape. 

Step 2

You will need plenty of space to prepare and paint kitchen cabinet doors/drawers adequate space to work within will help prevent excess dust particles contaminating your paint work. Preferably a clean environment with plenty of ventilation. Now you will want to give your kitchen cabinet doors a pre-clean with methylated sprits beforehand, this will remove any excess dirt and grime that could clog sanding discs during the preparation process.

Pro tip: Use a razor blade tip in the shaker door gaps, these tend to have dirt and grime build-up. Not removing will cause imperfections and possible issues with paint adhesion.

Step 3

​The next step is to begin sanding the kitchen doors/drawers, preferably with 180, 240 grit. Start with the edges and be sure to sand these well. Then proceed to sand the rest of the panel. Make sure you sand the entire panel removing any shine, the goal is to create a good mechanical adhesion, to ensure you to get into the nooks and crannies. Once finished sanding you will want to give your kitchen cabinet doors/drawers a second deep clean with methylated sprits, this part is essential, fail to do so and your paint won't adhere sufficiently, resulting in a substandard finish.

Give a thorough clean with a tack cloth prior to painting the kitchen cabinets, make sure all dirt and debris have been removed.

Pro tip: Slightly round off the edges when sanding, this will allow good paint adhesion and add durability.

Stage 4

Now doors/drawers are prepared and thoroughly cleaned. You will need to organise the doors for primer application there are two ways to go about this.

The first and most efficient way is to hang doors/drawers. By drilling tiny holes on the unseen ends of each kitchen door/drawers and screwing in steel hooks. You can then hook on to hangers (use high quality steel hangers) Doing so will prevent you having to wait for one side to dry before painting the other. You will need plenty of space to spray the kitchen doors/drawers and a space for the doors to dry. it's essential to keep already painted doors/drawers away from the doors/drawers you are spraying. This prevents overspray causing surface imperfections on already painted doors/drawers.

Pro tip: Mask around the hanger hook, doing so will prevent the hanger swaying once the door/drawers have been sprayed and hanged.

Option two:

The second option would be to spray one side of the kitchen door/drawer in question and once dried spray the other side. Always place doors on painter's pyramid stands. The main benefit of opting for this method is not having to fill drilled holes upon completion.

Pro tip: Spray the back of doors/drawers first, then the front. Doing so limits the chance of the pyramids marking the visible side of the panel in question.

Stage 5

Apply the primer to all panel edges first, then left to right in a controlled robotic fashion, moving down the panel, so the gun fan overlaps at a 50/50 ratio. Keep the gun fan straight (do not angle the gun). Typically 2 to 3 coats will be sufficient. Allow the previous coat to dry before applying a second coat. Overloading the paint can lead to a build up of primer, possibly causing runs.

The aim is to insure the panel is completely covered with enough primer, so to have enough product to flat during the next step. The desired look during application would be comparable to an orange skin (if using the Renner paint system), As once dried the primer will flow our slightly and provide a desirable surface for flatting.

Pro tip: To prevent overspray landing on panels already sprayed, have an organised system where the spraying and the drying are in separate work spaces.

Stage 6

Once all doors/drawers are dry. Sand down methodically with a 320 grit. Start with the edges, do so lightly and be careful not to break through, then proceed to sand the rest of the panel. Insure all the primer has been sanded so smooth to the touch and without imperfections. Once completed give each panel a deep clean removing all dust. Use a slightly wet microfibre cloth so to remove excess dust, followed by a tack cloth to remove what dust is left.

Pro tip: let the dust particles settle 20-30 minutes, then clean the area before spraying.

Stage 7

Apply the top coat to all panel edges first, then left to right in a controlled robotic fashion, moving down the panel, so the gun fan overlaps at a 50/50 ratio. Keep the gun fan straight (do not angle the gun). Typically 2 coats will be sufficient. Allow the previous coat to dry before applying a second coat. Overloading the paint can lead to a build up, causing runs and imperfections.

Once competed allow the doors/drawers to dry for 24 - 48 hours depending on the environment temperature.

The aim is to insure the panel is completely covered with enough paint, so the primer is no longer visible. Insuring that enough top coat is applied will also provide a durable long lasting finish.

The desired look during application would be comparable to an apple skin (if using the Renner paint system), once the paint has flowed out and dried, The panel surface should be smooth to the touch, and in appearance.

Pro tip: If unsure, Turn the the pressure down and complete the process in a slower fashion. Doing so will allow you to watch the application of primer/paint more easily and adjust accordingly if needed.

How To Spray Kitchen Panels That Cannot be Removed

Stage 1

Preparation & concentration is key!

Masking the edges precisely and correct will insure stunning results. If rushed and the tape is not on line, the results will look poor and lead to imperfections.

Make sure to methodically prepare the areas that will be masked, they should be clean, dry and free

from dust, grime or any containments. Any of these could compromise the effectiveness of the masking products and can lead to problems during the painting process.

Once all surfaces are clean, you can then begin masking. 

Masking the inner carcasses

Start with the carcasses. Using your tape, mask up to the edge of the outer facing carcass trim. Keeping the edge of the tape edge in perfect line with the trim. Do this all the way round the inner carcass so to create a type of frame. Once completed, cut your static free sheeting to size and tape to the frame (neat and tight) doing so will prevent the sheeting flapping during spraying.

Make sure the static sheeting is masked the correct way facing, as the correct side is covered with a substance that causes paint and over spray to stick to it, without flaking off onto your paint work. The sheeting will be labelled so to show the correct side.

Repeat this process on all carcasses, or sections of the kitchen that require this process.

Masking the walls and sections around the carcasses

1st Tape Frame

Now for the rest of your kitchen, use the low tack tape to create boarder around all the panels to be painted, make sure the tape is lined up tight next to the panel, but not touching it. If this happens the paint will bond to the tape and not the panel!

2nd Paper & Tape Frame

Once all the panels in question have been masked around using the low tack tape. You will then boarder with the brown paper using the normal masking tape to stick the brown paper to the low tack tape.

This will create an extra protective area that the spraying process will not effect.

3rd Static Sheeting & Tape Frame

Finally use the static free sheeting to protect the rest of the kitchen, using the same priceable as stated above.

Use the sheeting to seal off door entrances into other rooms, if you have an open plan living space use the sheeting to box off the kitchen section from everything else.

You will need at lease 1 - 2 windows open for air ventilation! (very important)

Pro tip: use low-tack tape on walls and celling's to avoid removing pre-existing paint.

Spraying Carcasses, end panels & Kick Boards

Stage 2

Simply follow the process stated earlier in this guide on how to clean, prepare and spray the doors and drawers!

A image showing the kitchen masked and ready for cleaning.


Stage 3

Once the paint is fully cured, check for any imperfections. If any, gently sand with 1500, 2000 grit paper, (avoid excessive sanding as you run the risk of breaking through the paint work) once the imperfection has been removed, apply a small amount of paint onto a clean microfiber cloth and touch in the sanded area. This may require 2 - 3 applications depending on the grit used.

Once dried de-mask the tape frames very carefully, starting from the low tack tape next to the painted panel.

Very slowly peel the tape away from the panel and pull as tight as possible.

If there is paint build up on the tape, use a razor blade and run down the line between the painted panel and tape before de-masking. This will prevent the tape removing the paint applied to the panel.

Once completed, begin de-masking the outer masking stages, once completed you will need a good tidy up!

Use methylated sprits or a razor blade to remove any overspray, read the label when using methylated sprits to find out what surfaces are not suitable for this product.

Pro tip: Start de-masking from top to bottom, doing so will allow dust and debris to land on the sheeting applied to the floor and will be easy to wrap. Saving on cleaning after!

Refit Of Kitchen Hardware.

Stage 4

Now this is where methodically labelling everything during the earlier stages pays off! Simply re-fit hinges and handles in reverse of how you removed.

If any doors are in need of adjusting after the re-fit. Each hinge should have two adjustable screws on the body, simply turn these in or out using a Phillips screwdriver. Checking the door after every adjustment.

Pro tip: Screw hinges to the doors first, then click the hinges on to clips attached to the carcass.


Spaying Vs Brushing

Spray Painting vs. Brush Painting Cabinets

There are two methods for painting kitchen cabinets: brush painting and spray painting.

With our expertise and 15 years plus experience bringing bespoke Kitchen re-sprays to life. We can say with confidence opting to spray over brushing achieves a true luxurious finish,  professional factory finish, smooth to the touch, far more durable and long lasting.

Pros and cons for beginners to consider

Brush Painting Pros:

  • Quick & simpler preparation process
  • More cost effective overall

Brush Painting Cons:

  • Extended painting process
  • Brush marks/poor finish
  • Less durable, likely to chip & crack

Spray Painting Pros:

  • Faster application process
  • Superior finish
  • Extremely durable, long lasting finish

Spray Painting Cons:

  • Extended preparation process
  • Not as cost effective
  • Specialised tools required

Spraying Vs Brushing

Cost Comparison - DIY Vs Professional Service

Listed below is the typical cost for both DIY spraying and DIY brush options, we have also listed the cost for an average sized kitchen completed by the KoolCreations bespoke spraying team.

Brush Finish - Average total cost:

£1200.00 - £1400.00

Spray Finish - Average total cost:

£2600.00 - £2800.00

Choosing KoolCreations - Average total cost:

£1500.00 - £2200.00

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By KC Team October 24, 2024
Transform Your High Gloss Kitchen into a Sleek Matt Finish with Kitchen Spraying  The kitchen is one of the most important spaces in any home, often serving as a hub for both everyday meals and social gatherings. As trends evolve, so do the preferences for kitchen finishes. In recent years, high-gloss kitchens have been popular for their sleek and shiny appeal. However, tastes change, and many homeowners are now leaning towards the understated elegance of matt finishes, which offer a more refined, modern look. If you're one of those homeowners who has a high-gloss kitchen but dreams of transforming it into a stylish matt-finished space, kitchen spraying is the perfect solution. In this blog, we’ll discuss how professional spraying can seamlessly convert your high-gloss kitchen into a matt masterpiece, without the need for expensive replacements. Why Consider a Matt Finish for Your Kitchen? Before diving into the transformation process, it's important to understand why many homeowners are opting for matt kitchen finishes. While high gloss can create a bright, reflective, and modern atmosphere, there are several compelling reasons why matt finishes are becoming increasingly popular: 1. Sleek and Subtle Aesthetic Unlike the high-shine surface of a glossy kitchen, a matt finish offers a softer, more understated look. The lack of reflection gives the cabinetry and surfaces a smooth, sophisticated appearance that can make a kitchen feel more calming and inviting. Matt finishes are ideal for homeowners who prefer a contemporary, minimalist design with a touch of elegance. 2. Fingerprint and Smudge Resistance One of the downsides of high-gloss finishes is their tendency to show every fingerprint, smudge, and mark, requiring constant cleaning. Matt finishes, on the other hand, are much more forgiving. Their non-reflective surfaces make it harder for fingerprints and dirt to be visible, which means less maintenance and cleaning are required to keep the kitchen looking pristine. 3. Versatility in Design Matt finishes work beautifully in a range of kitchen styles, from modern and industrial to classic and rustic. The muted finish enhances other design elements, such as natural wood, stone, and metal accents, without overpowering the overall aesthetic. Whether you want a contemporary monochromatic kitchen or a warm, organic look, matt finishes provide the versatility to achieve it. 4. Timeless Appeal While glossy finishes can sometimes feel trendy, matt finishes offer a timeless quality that can withstand changes in design trends. Their subtlety ensures that they won’t look outdated over time, making them a great long-term investment for homeowners who want their kitchens to remain stylish for years to come. The Transformation: From High Gloss to Matt Finish If you currently have a high-gloss kitchen but desire the understated elegance of matt, you don’t need to rip out your entire kitchen and start from scratch. Kitchen spraying provides an affordable and efficient way to achieve this transformation. Let’s explore the process of converting a high-gloss kitchen to a matt finish using professional spraying techniques. Step 1: Assessment and Preparation The first step in any successful kitchen spraying project is a thorough assessment of the existing cabinetry and surfaces. A professional kitchen spraying company will inspect the condition of your high-gloss kitchen to determine the best approach for achieving a flawless matt finish. Since high-gloss surfaces are extremely smooth and reflective, the preparation process is crucial. The surface needs to be properly prepped to ensure that the new matt coating adheres correctly. This involves: Cleaning: The high-gloss surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned to remove any grease, grime, or residues. Glossy finishes tend to accumulate fingerprints and oils, so a deep clean is essential for the new paint to stick effectively. Sanding: High-gloss surfaces are often too slick for new paint to adhere properly, so sanding is an important part of the preparation process. The gloss will be sanded down to create a rougher texture, allowing the primer and matt paint to grip the surface better. Repairing Imperfections: Any chips, dents, or scratches in the high-gloss surface will be repaired at this stage to ensure a smooth, even finish. Step 2: Priming After the surfaces are prepped, a primer will be applied. Priming is essential for two main reasons: it ensures that the new paint adheres properly, and it helps to cover the glossy finish, creating an even base for the matt paint. A high-quality primer specifically designed for kitchen cabinetry will be used to prevent peeling, flaking, or uneven application of the final matt finish. This step is crucial for creating a durable foundation that can withstand daily wear and tear in a busy kitchen environment. Step 3: Spraying the Matt Finish Once the primer has dried, the transformation begins with the application of the matt paint. Professional kitchen spraying companies use specialised spray guns to apply the paint evenly, ensuring a smooth, flawless finish without brush marks or streaks. This is one of the major advantages of spraying over traditional brush painting techniques, especially when aiming for a high-end look. You’ll have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of colors and shades, ensuring that your new matt kitchen matches your design preferences. Whether you opt for classic white, soft grey, or deep charcoal, the matt finish will give your kitchen a sleek and sophisticated appearance. Step 4: Multiple Coats for Durability To ensure durability and longevity, multiple coats of the matt paint will be applied. Each coat is allowed to dry fully before the next is sprayed, creating a rich and even finish. This process not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also ensures that the finish is robust enough to withstand daily use in a kitchen setting. Professional-grade paints used in kitchen spraying are designed to be resistant to scratches, stains, and heat, so your new matt kitchen will remain beautiful for years with minimal maintenance. Step 5: Reassembly and Finishing Touches Once the final coat has dried and cured, the kitchen cabinetry and doors will be reassembled. Any masking tape or protective coverings will be removed, and the kitchen will be cleaned thoroughly. The result is a pristine matt-finished kitchen that looks as though it was designed and installed from scratch. Benefits of Kitchen Spraying for High-Gloss to Matt Transformations 1. Cost-Effective Solution Converting a high-gloss kitchen to a matt finish using professional spraying is far more affordable than replacing cabinetry altogether. By keeping your existing cabinets and simply updating the finish, you can save a significant amount of money without compromising on the final look. 2. Quick and Efficient Unlike full kitchen renovations that can take weeks or even months to complete, kitchen spraying is a relatively fast process. Depending on the size of your kitchen and the complexity of the job, the entire transformation can typically be completed in just a few days. This means minimal disruption to your daily life, allowing you to enjoy your new matt-finished kitchen in no time. 3. Environmentally Friendly By opting for kitchen spraying instead of replacing your cabinetry, you’re making an eco-friendly choice. Kitchen spraying eliminates the need to discard perfectly functional cabinets and reduces the demand for new materials, making it a sustainable option that minimises waste. 4. Professional Finish Kitchen spraying provides a level of precision and quality that is difficult to achieve with DIY methods. The smooth, even application ensures a flawless matt finish that looks professionally done and is free from brush marks, drips, or inconsistencies. 5. Customisable Options Whether you want a monochromatic matt kitchen or a mix of matte finishes with contrasting elements, kitchen spraying gives you full control over the design. You can choose from a wide range of colours and finishes, allowing you to customise your kitchen to your exact specifications. Conclusion If you're ready to update your high-gloss kitchen but want to avoid the expense and hassle of a full renovation, kitchen spraying offers an ideal solution. By transforming your kitchen with a matt finish, you can enjoy a sleek, modern aesthetic that is both timeless and easy to maintain. Professional kitchen spraying allows you to achieve a flawless result with minimal disruption to your home. Whether you’re looking for a classic matte white kitchen or a bold, contemporary shade, the transformation from high gloss to matt is just a spray away. Ready to transform your kitchen? Contact our team today and take the first step towards creating the kitchen of your dreams
By Daniel Searle October 24, 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Spraying: Transform Your Space with a Fresh New Look When it comes to home renovations, the kitchen is often the focal point. It’s not just a place for cooking; it’s the heart of the home, a social hub where families gather and guests are entertained. Over time, however, the look of your kitchen can become outdated or worn, leading to a desire for change. If you’re considering upgrading your kitchen without the hefty price tag of a full renovation, kitchen spraying is a fantastic solution. In this blog, we’ll explore what kitchen spraying is, its benefits, the process involved, how to choose the right kitchen spraying company, and how it can help you achieve a beautiful kitchen makeover. Whether you're a homeowner looking to refresh your kitchen or a kitchen spraying company aiming to rank better in search results, this guide will provide valuable insights and actionable tips. What is Kitchen Spraying? Kitchen spraying, also known as kitchen respraying, is the process of professionally repainting kitchen cabinets, drawers, and other fixtures using a specialised spraying technique. Unlike traditional brush painting, spraying ensures a smooth, even finish that mimics the factory-applied coatings found on new cabinetry. The beauty of kitchen spraying lies in its ability to completely transform the appearance of your kitchen without the need to replace cabinets or countertops. Instead of tearing out and installing new units, which can be costly and time-consuming, kitchen spraying offers a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative. Key Features of Kitchen Spraying: Professional Finish: Spraying achieves a smooth, flawless finish with no brush marks or streaks. Wide Range of Colours: Choose from an extensive colour palette to match your style or create a bold new look. Durable and Long-Lasting: Modern spray paints are designed to withstand the rigours of a kitchen environment, including heat, moisture, and regular cleaning. Customisable: Kitchen spraying can be applied to various surfaces, including wood, MDF, and laminate, offering flexibility in design. Why Opt for Kitchen Spraying? There are many reasons why kitchen spraying is becoming an increasingly popular choice for homeowners. Below, we’ll explore some of the key benefits of this transformative approach. 1. Cost-Effective Solution One of the biggest advantages of kitchen spraying is the cost savings. A full kitchen renovation can easily run into thousands of pounds, especially if you’re replacing cabinets, countertops, and appliances. Kitchen spraying allows you to refresh the look of your space for a fraction of the cost. By keeping your existing kitchen units and simply updating their appearance, you can save significantly on materials and labor. 2. Quick Turnaround Time Unlike traditional kitchen renovations that can take weeks or even months, kitchen spraying is a much faster process. Depending on the size of your kitchen and the scope of the project, most kitchen spraying jobs can be completed in just a few days. This means minimal disruption to your daily life, so you can get back to cooking and enjoying your space in no time. 3. Eco-Friendly Option In today’s environmentally-conscious world, many homeowners are looking for ways to reduce waste and make more sustainable choices. Kitchen spraying is a green alternative to replacing cabinets, as it eliminates the need to dispose of perfectly functional units. By reusing what you already have, you’re reducing the demand for new materials and helping to lower your environmental footprint. 4. Customisable Design With kitchen spraying, you have the freedom to choose from an endless array of colours and finishes. Whether you prefer classic white, modern matte, or bold and vibrant hues, you can create a kitchen that perfectly reflects your personal style. Many kitchen spraying companies also offer custom colour matching, allowing you to achieve the exact shade you desire. Additionally, you can choose between finishes such as gloss, satin, or matte, giving you complete control over the final look and feel of your kitchen. 5. Minimal Disruption Kitchen spraying can be done with minimal disruption to your home. Most projects can completed in two days. This allows the kitchen spraying professionals to work efficiently while keeping your kitchen functional for everyday use. 6. Long-Lasting Results High-quality spray paints used in kitchen respraying are durable and designed to withstand daily wear and tear. They are resistant to scratches, heat, and moisture, ensuring that your newly sprayed kitchen will continue to look fresh and vibrant for years to come. With proper care, you can expect the results to last for many years, making kitchen spraying a worthwhile investment. The Kitchen Spraying Process: Step-by-Step Guide Understanding the kitchen spraying process is essential for setting realistic expectations and ensuring you get the best results. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what you can expect when you hire a professional kitchen spraying company. Step 1: Initial Consultation The first step in the process is an initial consultation with your chosen kitchen spraying company. During this meeting, you’ll discuss your goals, colour preferences, and the overall vision for your kitchen. The professionals will assess the condition of your cabinets and provide recommendations based on the materials and existing finishes. Step 2: Preparation Preparation is key to achieving a flawless finish. Before any spraying takes place, the kitchen spraying team will thoroughly clean and sand the surfaces to ensure the paint adheres properly. Any imperfections, such as dents, scratches, or chips, will be repaired at this stage. In most cases, cabinet doors and drawers are removed from their hinges and transported to the workshop for spraying. This allows for better control over the application and ensures a more professional finish. The remaining fixed elements, such as the cabinet frames, will be masked off to protect the surrounding areas from overspray. Step 3: Priming Priming is a crucial step in the kitchen spraying process. A high-quality primer ensures that the paint adheres evenly to the surface and provides a solid base for the colour. The primer also helps to block any stains or discolouration, ensuring a consistent and vibrant finish. Step 4: Spraying Once the primer has dried, the spraying process begins. Using specialised spray equipment, the kitchen spraying team will apply multiple coats of paint to achieve a smooth and even finish. Depending on the desired colour and finish, this may involve several layers of paint, with adequate drying time between coats. It’s important to note that professional kitchen spraying companies use industry-grade spray paints that are specifically designed for kitchen environments. These paints are durable, heat-resistant, and moisture-resistant, ensuring long-lasting results. Step 5: Reassembly and Final Touches Once the spray paint has fully cured, the kitchen spraying team will return to reassemble the cabinets, doors, and drawers. Any final touch-ups or adjustments will be made at this stage to ensure a perfect finish. After a thorough inspection, the kitchen will be cleaned and ready for use. Choosing the Right Kitchen Spraying Company With so many kitchen spraying companies to choose from, it’s important to select a reputable and experienced provider to ensure the best results. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a kitchen spraying company:  1. Experience and Expertise Look for a company with a proven track record in kitchen spraying. Experienced professionals will have the knowledge and skills to handle various surfaces and finishes, ensuring a high-quality result. Don’t hesitate to ask for examples of their previous work or customer testimonials to gauge their expertise. 2. Range of Services Some kitchen spraying companies offer additional services, such as countertop refinishing, backsplash updates, or hardware replacement. If you’re looking for a complete kitchen makeover, choose a company that can provide a comprehensive range of services to meet your needs. 3. Colour and Finish Options A good kitchen spraying company should offer a wide selection of colours and finishes to choose from. Whether you have a specific shade in mind or need help selecting the perfect colour, the company should be able to accommodate your preferences and provide professional guidance. 4. Customer Reviews and Testimonials One of the best ways to gauge the quality of a kitchen spraying company is by reading customer reviews and testimonials. Look for feedback from previous clients to see how satisfied they were with the results, the professionalism of the team, and the overall experience. 5. Cost and Pricing Transparency While kitchen spraying is generally more affordable than a full renovation, prices can vary depending on the size of your kitchen and the complexity of the project. Make sure the company provides a detailed quote with transparent pricing so that you know exactly what to expect. Avoid companies that offer vague estimates or try to upsell unnecessary services. Kitchen Spraying: A Smart Investment for Homeowners In conclusion, kitchen spraying is an excellent way to transform your kitchen with minimal cost, time, and hassle. Whether you’re looking to refresh outdated cabinets or create a brand-new look, kitchen spraying offers a versatile and customisable solution that can significantly enhance the value and appeal of your home. For homeowners looking to increase the value of their property, kitchen updates are one of the most effective investments. A fresh, modern kitchen can make your home more attractive to potential buyers and can even increase your home’s resale value. By choosing kitchen spraying, you’re not only improving the aesthetics of your space but also making a smart financial investment in your home. If you’re ready to give your kitchen a fresh new look, reach out to a reputable kitchen spraying company today. With the right professionals by your side, you can achieve stunning results that will make your kitchen the envy of the neighbourhood. Conclusion Kitchen spraying is a versatile and cost-effective solution for anyone looking to update their kitchen without the expense and disruption of a full renovation. By choosing a professional kitchen spraying company, you can enjoy a flawless finish, long-lasting results, and a kitchen that feels brand new.
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Why Spray Kitchen Cupboards Instead of Vinyl Wrapping Them?
By Koolcreations Team April 28, 2023
By KoolCreations Team October 25, 2022
Affordable alternatives to replacing your kitchen cabinets.
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