Our passion to create truly beautiful pieces is only matched with an unrivalled attention to detail, we use only the most exquisite metal paints and complementary materials, to bring your vision to life and realise bespoke pieces of design.
Our specialist paint services include:
KoolCreations offers completely new possibilities in design. Our liquid metal paints offer shop owners, interior decorators, architects, interior designers and industrial designers a variety of options for creative, individual designs.
Our sprayable liquid metal paints are suitable both for indoor and outdoor use, we offer a vast range of metal types and finishes including matt, shiny, textured, rusty or patinated, depending on the project requirements.
Our metallized surfaces have all the properties of solid, massive metal in terms of look and feel.
Discover The Exquisite Finishes We Can Create
KoolCreations metal paint is a bespoke metal coating used for both interior and exterior applications. Metal paint is a cold-spray composite decorative metal coating that allows you to make any substrate appear as though it is solid metal. It is a metal finish, like a veneer, which has two main components, the binders and the metals. There are also important extras! patina, waxes, polishes and a nano clear coat.
Coatings can be used outdoors. In weather tests, representing a period of about 30 years, no significant signs of wear were found.
The surfaces have excellent bond strength and abrasion values, similar to solid metals. But they are also sensitive to scratching like massive metals. Protectors can be the transparent seals described above.
Almost, our metallized paint can be be applied to almost all surfaces, be it wood, MDF, plastic, mineral substrates, fiberglass, ceramics, concrete, foam, porcelain, glass.
Making the ordinary extraordinary.